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Wednesday 2 September 2020

Completionist Challenge, update: Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Game 5/10 then!  I know the point of the challenge was that I wasn't allowed to buy any new games until I'd completed 10 I already owned, but I have to admit I bought Spiritfarer with my birthday money.  Sorry (not sorry, it's good!).  But I have completed more games than I've blogged about.  I've just been terribly lax in writing about the challenge.  I've been lax about writing at all, in August, but that's because there's been a lot of demand for the PC from other parties.  I like having the proper desk and two screens to do things.  So... here I am.  

I finished the game!

I finished Assassin's Creed Odyssey (PEGI-18) back in March (see, very lax in writing about it!) and it's important in my PS gaming history for one reason in particular - it has provided me with my first Platinum trophy!  Considering I've been playing PS games since before trophies even existed, this is pretty terrible.  Maybe this was an easy game to "platinum".  It certainly didn't have any of the impossible ships/elephants or whatever that some of the other AC games had!

Woo my first platinum!!

I think I've played all the AC games apart from Unity; I've even played Liberation on the PS Vita.  I did not enjoy Odyssey as much as Origins.  It was kind of amazing running around in Egypt, not so much running around Greece (it felt very similar to Origins, but somehow something was missing).  The Ancient Greek setting provided lots of opportunities to involve "historical characters", like Plato and Pythagoras.  Plus who doesn't love Spartans?  And it was cool to play as a woman.  (You can be Kassandra or Alexios.)

It's a weird one for the franchise since Kassandra isn't actually an Assassin.  Odyssey is set in 431-422 BC, Origins is set in 49-44 BC.  The first incarnation of the Assassins are the "Hidden Ones", set up by Bayek and Aya in Origins.  So this is an Assassin's Creed game that isn't actually about Assassins.  It's 400 years before the Assassins even existed.  Strange but true.

The worlds in these games are increasingly amazing, but there are things that break the spell.  I mean, just try and follow someone for a quest and things get silly very quickly.  You're there carefully trying to move through all the people inhabiting the world and the person you're following is just elbowing their way through everyone.  And virtually every time I tried to save someone from attackers/animals I ended up killing them.  Which was annoying.

One thing that was insane was your ability to jump off of anything and not kill yourself.  I mean, you could literally jump from any height and you'd be ok.  I know they were kind of saying you were some godlike mystical being, but still.  It was a bit daft.  

As always I didn't entirely understand what was happening, and the modern day stuff was as pointless as ever (is there anyone who ends up in those bits NOT thinking "I want to be back in the Animus"?).  But it was fun.  I just can't resist Assassin's Creed games.  With their ridiculous collecting.  And jumping around on top of buildings.  It feels like the "stealth" aspect of the games has disappeared; we're left instead with the overpowered killing of thousands.  Is that a bad thing?  I don't know. 

My rarest trophy (apart from the platinum)

That's it for game 5/10 then.  I will have to get on with blogging more.  I like blogging, and I only do it for me (hardly any posts get many readers after all).  But it's hard to get motivated sometimes.  

Must try harder...

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