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About Us

Hello!  As a female gamer I've often felt a little unusual (though I know there are others out there!), and now I have a family the activity of gaming has become 1) harder to do because I have less time and 2) an issue because Seb wants to play games too.  So we've hit upon several difficulties.  For instance, what games are suitable for us to play when he's in the room?  And what games it is suitable for HIM to play?  So we play together as much as we can, and we watch YouTube together on a regular basis.  I presume that other families have the same issues we do, so I thought I'd attempt to write a blog about our 'gaming adventures' as a family.

Kids often seem to think that gaming has been invented purely for their entertainment, but WE GEEKS WERE HERE FIRST!  Surely kids can't fully appreciate games today when they didn't start off with BBC Micros in school, or tape loading games on their Sinclair Spectrum, or saving their money for years to get an Amiga 1200, or walking through the snow one Christmas to get a second hand PlayStation (that's a PS1 now I suppose) from the second hand games shop.  Sometimes I wonder if they appreciate 'photo realism' etc when they didn't live through the development of games from their very basic beginnings.  But hey.  They enjoy them, we enjoy them, and we can share our love and knowledge of games with them as they grow up.

Here's a little about us!

P1 (Dad)

Age: 48
Favourite Games:
Favourite YouTube:

P2 (Mum)

Age: 43
Favourite Games: Secret of Monkey Island 1 & 2, Beneath a Steel Sky, Blade Runner, Rock Band, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us, various Assassin's Creeds, Red Dead Redemption, The Long Dark.
Favourite YouTube: The Bonus Points, Accurize2, Paul Soares Jr.

P3 (Seb)

Age: 11
Favourite Games: Hollow Knight, Geometry Dash, Little Big Planet, Minecraft, Terraria, Super Mario Maker, Plants vs. Zombies, Beat Saber, Undertale (many more)
Favourite YouTube: Game Theory, TheOdd1sOut, Ice Cream Sandwich.

And as for the 'gaming devices' currently plugged in in our house, we have a Nintendo Switch, PS2-PS5, a PC, and an Oculus.

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My Life in Games 1: Little Computer People (1987)

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