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Thursday 20 September 2018

Article - Being 18 in 2018

The Office for National Statistics has just published this article, entitled Being 18 in 2018, and it includes some interesting stats for computing (including social media) and games/computer games.

According to their survey data, 18 year olds today (2014-15) spend on average 29.8 minutes 'computing' compared to 12 minutes in 2000-01, and 41.7 minutes playing games compared to 11 minutes per day in 2000-01.

I would like to see what the original questions for this were, though it certainly shows that people are playing more games.  And also watching less TV and socialising less!  Looking at it as someone who was 21 in 2000, back then gaming wasn't as 'normal' a thing as it is now.  And smart phones didn't exist.  (I wonder if people do more 'socialising' via their phones now, and less face to face, thus affecting the stats?)  At any rate, it's not a surprise that the stats came out like this...

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