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Sunday 3 November 2019

Completionist Challenge, update, RDR2, Uncharted Lost Legacy...

I decided to up the challenge level of my 'Completionist Challenge'!

I started in August with RDR2, but when I started this I had no clear end point for what I wanted to achieve.  I've decided that I will finish 10 games before I'm allowed to buy any new ones (though I am allowed to play things if I get them for Christmas - if I get Ring Fit Adventure I don't want to wait months until I can play it!).  This is my attempt to try and halt the terrible digital store habit that most of us have these days where we buy lots of games and never finish them.  (Seb's Dad is really bad when it comes to this!)

Anyway, I'm never going to totally 100% every bit of the games I play, particularly when they're games I can't play when Seb's around.  But I'm going for the trophy that says the game is completed and as much of the other stuff as I can do...

Onto RDR2, then.  I completed the Epilogue, and had a bit of a go at Online, and did as many of the additional things as I could face doing, and I ended up playing for 100 hours in total (yikes!).  That's 4 days, 4 hours and 6 minutes, according to the Rockstar Social Club app.

Proof that I completed the game!

The rarest trophy I received was this one, with a completion rate of only 4.2%.  I think this was for collecting all the fish.  I'm not sure people would have been happy if they'd known that having received their vital mission I'd wandered off and done some fishing in a remote lake somewhere.  But then there are some weird quests on here.  Posting fish and dead squirrels in the post is, let's face it, pretty weird.  These games make you do some weird stuff.

My rarest trophy

I have to say I couldn't bring myself to do some of the bad stuff in the game; I was (mostly) a good guy, and I couldn't bring myself to do a 180 and start murdering and robbing everyone just to get a better completion rate!

After the epic 100 hours of roaming the (not so) Wild West I thought I'd do a shorter game, so I turned to Uncharted: Lost Legacy.  This is a mini Uncharted featuring Chloe and Nadine - an all girl lineup!  I probably enjoyed it more than Uncharted 3.  (I still haven't played Uncharted 4, I think that'll be part of my challenge...)  Not as much random stuff to do here.  I never get many trophies with these, partly because I'm rubbish at finding those ridiculous treasures.  But hey.  I did it!  And it only took 8 hours and 45 minutes.  Hooray!

I completed it!

My rarest trophy here wasn't particularly rare, but the game didn't have loads of trophies.  Still, I found all the tokens and obtained the Queen's Ruby, with which I could wander around and find more treasures, if I wanted to...

Claudia Black did a great job with the voice acting, and the story was pretty good.  Uncharted games are always formulaic, after all.  I did find it odd that sometimes you can't do jumps that look achievable (if that's not the right way) and sometimes you can manage ridiculous jumps (because that's the right way to go).  It makes sense, from a linear story pathfinding point of view, but it's irksome!

Those are the two games I've completed so far, then, 2/10.  I'm going to have to find some shorter games to play, because stupidly I've started Assassin's Creed Odyssey.  Ho hum.  I'm also doing the third chapter of The Long Dark, though, so I'll count that.  Otherwise it will take me forever to complete 10 whole games. 

Parenting is hard sometimes.  Really cuts down on your gaming time.  ;-)

My Life in Games 1: Little Computer People (1987)

Seb was trying to get me to work out my Top 20 video games of all time, and I narrowed it down to 20... but it was too hard to put them into...